



Next Course

July 2025 Session


Session Details

  • $1375
  • Classroom portion of training will now be presented in an online live interactive format on 07/21, 07/22, 07/23, 07/28, and 07/29

Treatment is a key component of a comprehensive approach to management of juveniles with sexual behavior problems.

Juveniles who commit sexual offenses are a varied and diverse population.  Some youth pose a greater risk than others, some have more complex treatment needs, some are more amenable to treatment than others, and some have more supportive and stable families than others. There is now a considerable body of research that provides guidance to practitioners and policy makers about the kinds of treatment that are most effective with this population.

For over 25 years, the Juvenile Sexual Offending Counselor Certification Program (JSOCCP) has offered practitioners  training and mentoring in applying the field’s growing body of knowledge.  From its inception, the JSOCCP training program has combined academic rigor and pragmatic clinical approaches to make this challenging work more manageable for staff, and to instill confidence in those who are charged with assisting youth and their families turn their life around. The JSOCCP training program has been proud to be associated with  the Center for Family Resource Development in the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville since its inception.